River Oaks

Screening Protocol for students entering the school

As you know, students will begin to enter the school building for learning labs beginning tomorrow. Please be sure to go through the checklist each time before your child enters the school building. Covid-19 English screening tool checklist (Arabic). Parents must screen their children daily to ensure that they are symptom-free following these guidelines. If a student comes to school and has either 1 symptom in box A or 2 symptoms in box B they will be sent home.

Masks, covering the mouth and nose, must be worn at all times. Students will not be allowed to congregate at any time and are expected to follow social distancing protocols. Wearing masks and proper social distancing is required for students to attend in person.

Before coming to school: 

Please take the temperature of all of your children/family members; if a child’s temperature is above 100 degrees your child must stay home.

 In addition if your child is not feeling well or if they have any one of the following symptoms, your child must stay home:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

In the event that a student gets sick or starts exhibiting symptoms at school, they will be relocated to the designated quarantine room until their parent or guardian can retrieve them. They will be supervised by a staff member in the quarantine room. 

Parents: Please remind your child while at school to: 

  • Wear and keep his/her mask on while on school property 
  • Practice social distancing while on school property 
  • Pack hand sanitizer (suggestion) 
  • Avoid touching his/her face, especially her/his eyes.
  • Avoid touching other children  (No high fives, hugs)
  • Not to share school supplies or materials with others and vice versa
  • Not to share food or drinks with anyone/or take food or drinks from anyone

Coming back home from school: When your child comes home, make sure he/she cleans and disinfects his/her belongings and wash his/her hands.

We know that this guidance puts added stress on families, and we are grateful for your cooperation.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 313-827-6750. 

I am looking forward to seeing our students!

Mr. Martin